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High school and youth choirs ateliers

7 ateliers are programmed for high school and youth choirs

Application form high school and youth choirs 

B1 | In the starlight
lecturer: Serena Marino (Italy)

Man watches the show of the starry night with ever new admiration, as if the stars had crossed space and time to come and tell us something magical: be it the sound of the celestial spheres, the incredible numbers of their distance, the geometries they draw in the darkness of the night.

mixed choir | language: Italian

💒 HALL: Centro Congressi Hotel Vittoria, Via Guido Baccelli 2A

♪ Coro dei licei C. Varano - Camerino (Mc) | conductor Vincenzo Pierluca
♪ Coro Mi. Be. del liceo artistico, musicale e coreutico Misticoni-Bellisario - Pescara | conductor Cristina Di Zio
♪ CoroMamiani del liceo statale T. Mamiani - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino

🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: TOTAL BLACK. Black pants with pockets + black T-shirt + black footwear. In addition to the basic neutral total black, sweaters, tops or jackets in black "lurex" fabric are also very welcome (if you have lurex garments pack them, no need to buy them specially).

B2 | A sea of dreams [to be prepared in advance]
lecturer: Luca Scaccabarozzi (Italy)

Where do our childhood dreams, our passions and desires, our aspirations for a better world live? Let us try to find them on the surface of the water, where our gaze is lost in infinity, or at the bottom of the sea where the rhythm of the waves rocks us and the seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake.

mixed choir | language: Italian

💒 HALL: Hotel Tamerici & Principe, viale IV Novembre 2b

♪ Coro Unisono del liceo scientifico V. Volterra - Ciampino (Rm) | conductor Fabio De Angelis
♪ Il Coro che non c’è - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino

🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: outfit shades of BLUE, BLUE, WHITE, BEIGE. Pants, jeans, t-shirts, dresses and long skirts, shirts, other can be worn--the essential being in the indicated shades. The group, as a whole, should recall the many shades of the sea.

B3 Juke-box
lecturer: Davide Benetti (Italy)

Canzone, chanson, lied, song... they have always been spaces of play, entertainment, but also of reflection and poetry, where man reworked the present with irony and nostalgia, experimentation and tradition. With their inimitable simplicity and lightness, they remind us that 'they are not just songs'. 

mixed choir | language: Italian 

💒 HALL: Palazzo del Turismo, Via Verdi 66

♪ Coro Albertelli del liceo classico P. Albertelli - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪ Coro del liceo classico E. Cairoli - Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani
♪ Coro del liceo scientifico G. Ferraris - Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani
🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: jeans + shirt with quirky prints + any accessories such as a hat and/or sunglasses (for girls also headbands or 80s style hairstyles).

B4 | From soul to body
lecturer: Mirko Ferlan (Italy)

Our inner world connects with the outer world through our bodies, vocal cords, gestures, and glances. Singing is that magical means of expression that conveys feelings and emotions and unleash rhythm and music to describe the colours of our soul.

mixed choir | language: Italian

💒 HALL: Centro Congressi Hotel Vittoria, Via Guido Baccelli 2A

♪ Coro d'istituto del liceo di Stato C. Rinaldini - Ancona | conductor Marco Guarnieri
♪ Coro del liceo musicale Newton - Chivasso (To) | conductor Mariacarmen Antelmi
♪ Coro Keplero e Morgagni - Roma | conductor Claudia Nizzica
🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: White pants or light-colored jeans + plain t-shirt pastel shades. It is preferable that the colors of the shirts within each group be varied (basically NOT one color for the whole group).

B5 | Between Me and You
lecturer: Rohan Poldervaart (The Netherlands)

How I look at you, how you look at me, what I give you and what you give me... We stand in the mirror and look at each other from both sides. We give and we take. As Amanda Taylor sings: if you take all my tomorrows, give me better yesterdays.

mixed choir | language: English

💒 HALL: Centro Congressi Hotel Vittoria, Via Guido Baccelli 2A

♪ Coro d'istituto del liceo di Stato C. Rinaldini - Ancona | conductor Marco Guarnieri
♪ Coro del liceo musicale Newton - Chivasso (To) | conductor Mariacarmen Antelmi
♪ Coro Keplero e Morgagni - Roma | conductor Claudia Nizzica

🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: black pants + plain t-shirt bright shades (RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, FUCSIA, GREEN, BLUE). It is preferable that the colors of the shirts within each group be varied (basically NOT one color for the whole group).

B6 | At the convent with Deloris
lecturer: Elisa Dal Corso (Italy)

We are talking about the musical 'Sister Act' in its Broadway version, with beautiful music by Alan Menken, composer of many Disney films. Those who have only seen the film will know a different irresistible version of this crazy story: a frothy cocktail of vibrant voices and explosive choreography.

female or mixed choir | language: Italian

💒 HALL: Terme Regina, Piazza Domenico Giusti

♪ Coro del liceo Petrarca 2MA - Arezzo | conductor Silvia Vajente
♪ Coro polifonico del liceo L. Della Valle - Cosenza | conductor Saverio Tinto
♪ Coro MusicaLiceo del liceo scientifico G. Dal Piaz - Feltre (Bl) | conductor Sheila Rech
♪ Giovani Cantori Junior dell’Accademia Vocale - Genova | conductor Roberta Paraninfo
♪ Coro giovanile del liceo scientifico G. Oberdan - Trieste | conductor Alessandra Esposito

🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: MUSICAL Sister Act (already sent directions to individual groups).

B7 | The Globe Theatre
lecturer: Jan Schumacher (Germany)

On our stage we recreate a place that is both real and mythical, the quintessential Shakespearean theatre, demolished in 1644 and yet handed down through the centuries as an iconic space, populated by the Bard of Avon's loves, dramas, immortal characters, eternal conflicts and daring flights of fantasy.

youth regional choirs | language: English

💒 HALL: Terme Tettuccio (sala Portoghesi), Piazza Domenico Giusti

♪ Vocal Vibes - Bientina (Pi) | conductor Annalisa Artigiani
♪ Soleri Bertoni Choir dell’istituto d’istruzione superiore liceo Soleri-Bertoni - Saluzzo (Cn) | conductor Enrico Miolano
♪ Coro Hebel del liceo classico S.M. Legnani - Saronno (Va) | conductor Raffaele Cifani

🌸 DRESS code of the atelier: TOTAL BLACK. Black pants + black T-shirt + black footwear.


Ateliers: How to practice?

During the festival the choir participates in only one atelier, unless objective needs are agreed upon with the organisation. When registering, each group has the option of specifying multiple atelier choices. The options are only indicative; the final division into the ateliers is determined by the artistic coordinator, Carlo Pavese, jointly with the festival organisation on the basis of various factors such as: staffing, size of the group, curricula, previous participation in the festival, other characteristics.
The ateliers are held in Italian or English as specified in the section dedicated to the description of the ateliers. In Montecatini Terme, each participant receives the educational file related to his or her atelier, which he or she should keep carefully for study during the festival.

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